

Question by  meme39 (23)

How is canine hyperkeratosis treated?


Answer by  srainne (2597)

I think the type of treatment your vet goes with (or suggests to you) will really all depend on the affected area. The vet may suggest chromium or zinc treatments, kerasolv gel, hydrocortisone cream or even laser treatments. The thing to keep in mind is that this will be a lifelong issue to be addressed.


Answer by  mying (54)

one of the main reason the dog gets this disease is distemper. If the paws of the dog harden and feel extremely stiff. Then check whether the dog have been dog coughing, and losing its appetite. It has three stage first distemper, second vomiting, and third is neurological, where the dog will get seizures and tremors, etc...


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

There are various treatments, like prednisone, hydrocortisone cream, Kerasolv gel and working with your dog's nutrition. You need to consult a vet and work this to find the best treatment.


Answer by  TMyers (1084)

Canine hyperkeratosis is generally treated mainly by the vet with medication or laser treatment and further by the owner by following a steady vitamin and grooming regiment.


Answer by  Priya12 (218)

First of all it is necessary to keep our pets clean with regular wash using a good shampoo and remove excess growth of hair regularly. Hyperkeratosis is first seen on dogs nose. Later can spread to foot. It needs to be treated everyday by lazer treatment or mechanicaly removing keratin.


Answer by  Olin (101)

Use dermal surgery to remove any malignant tissue. Treat surface cases of canine hyperkeratosis by washing the affected area daily with an antibacterial shampoo.

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