

Question by  Hawthorne (129)

What is the clinical psychological meaning of "fear of failure"?

This is for a school research paper.


Answer by  ncdaisygirl (175)

The term "fear of failure" has to do with a person's hesitancy to embark on a task or endeavor for fear that they will not succeed at the task. For example, someone might not ask a potential love interest out that they like for fear that they will reject them.


Answer by  lgk (2426)

the term you are looking for is Atychiphobia, and usually comes from a traumatic event as a kid. Generally that is something caused by the parents abusing the child.


Answer by  Zoe (2369)

I'm not sure if this has a meaning specific to clinical psychology but I do know that fear of failure is pretty self-explanatory. If someone is afraid of "messing up" or failing, the person might not attempt things that he/she is interested in because he/she does not believe that he/she can succeed.


Answer by  Rhekyn (86)

Fear of failure comes from the anticipation of unpleasant consideration by other human being about an act that could not be achieved as well as expected. This is the result of a low self-assurance or the awarness of a too high expectation.


Answer by  cece46 (222)

"Fear of Failure" means that somebody is a perfectionist. They are scared of failure because being successful validates them. They feel inferior to others if they fail.


Answer by  JP98 (57)

Atychiphobia is the phobia of failure. Fear of failure is often related to self-esteem. Specifically, fear of failure is when a person believes horrible things will happen if they fail.

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