

Question by  worker7794 (53)

What do I do about a dog gagging and throwing up flem?


Answer by  Crystal51 (118)

This could be a serious condition called Kennel Cough and the dog should see a vet. This could also be a symptom of hairballs if your dog has long fur that is getting in his/her mouth.


Answer by  Thorfax (42)

As with many other problems, the best idea is to take the dog to a vet. It is best to let an expert tell you what to do.


Answer by  hulmer (1067)

Any time a dog develops a sudden cough or gag it is best to have it checked out by a veterinarian. Although that's the last thing most pet owners want to hear, it is always the best option for your dog.


Answer by  heather11409 (75)

if the Flem is yellow then your fine just give him or her a little bit of water and some dry dog food. if the Flem is white and looks foamy or looks like regular spit it can be parvo. if that is the case then i would recommend watching the dog if not improved then take dog to vet.


Answer by  Tamy (72)

First I make sure that his throat is not blocked by an object ingested. If this is not the case I will give them drinkable serum and take it to the vet urgently.


Answer by  usagkthompson (273)

There could be many reasons why your dog is doing this. The best thing is always to take your dog to the Vet.

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