

Question by  apple (447)

Where does un-used electricity go?

Back to the power plant? Or is it lost? Or do you only get the amount you need to the house?


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Some energy, up to half, is lost in transmission. In essence, some of it is lost on the way to your home. Unused energy can sometimes be stored in batteries.


Answer by  lorel (274)

What we refer to as "electricity" is the energy held by the electrons in your wiring. What you don't use, doesn't go anywhere; it just stays where it is, in the same electrons. The energy isn't transformed into light or motion or any other useful form.

posted by Anonymous
if electrons are lost during transmission, where does it go. lost energy is lost energy. its called impedance. really all of u should get some math in your life.  add a comment

Answer by  user26 (176)

There is no unused electricity in a home. unless you are have solar panels or other electrical generating device's. The electricity you are charged for is in proportion to the amount of appliances you use can all be calculated by your electric meter on the outside of your house


Answer by  neeleshpai (4)

definately, the electricity will go back to the power station after sufficient amount of energy is consumed by a device

posted by Anonymous
it doesnt go back any where . really is this for real.  add a comment

Answer by  roshini (5)

Obviously the used electricity goes to the load. In a perfect system 'unused' electricity doesn't go anywhere. In a real system, some of the electricity that's drawn from the generator gets used along the way, heating the power lines, etc. this, from our point of view, is wasted.


Answer by  Anonymous

Some electricity are lost when they go through the wiring in your homes. That's the reason why electricity companies charge us for transmission cost Springbank Electrical Services Walthamstow, London


Answer by  Anonymous

it goes somewhere

posted by Anonymous
that is very helpful thanks, you don't have to say you are welcome  add a comment
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