health procedures


Question by  jdanielbelch (20)

When is a Cesarean section necessary?

Can they be elective?


Answer by  WranglerMama (289)

There are a few conditions that require C-sections: complete placenta previa, active genitial herpes in the mother, or when the baby is in distress. It can be elective.


Answer by  maryb (95)

A cesarean is needed when the health of the mom or baby are at risk, or if the baby is too large to be delivered vaginally. If the baby is in a breech position a c-section may be required. Most doctors will not perform a cesarean unless it is medically needed, as there is risk with any surgery.


Answer by  anniekiefera (359)

Only when the mothers or baby would benefit for health reasons. It would be necessary for example if the baby turned at the last minute or if the baby is not handling labor well.


Answer by  Amie1084 (181)

A cesarean section is typically necessary when a mother or a baby are is distress, or when the doctors don't think that they will be able to deliver the baby safely. A cesarean section can be elective in some states and countries, but a mother should do research beforehand - a cesarean has a much longer recovery time.

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