health conditions


Question by  vims (21)

What vitamins and minerals affect the thyroid?


Answer by  Milette (1105)

Vitamin B2, B3 and B6 are associated with function of the thyroid. These vitamins also assist in body's proper intake of minerals which promotes thyroid health, such as selenium and zinc. Cadmium is a mineral that's toxic to the thyroid and will deplete the supply of zinc in the body.


Answer by  geethapriya (239)

High fiber content, high zinc intake, frequent serve of vitamin C, B complex and low copper intake will affect the thyroid.


Answer by  jaison23 (172)

Thyroid is gland which stimulates harmones like thyroxine. These glands can be affected by more vitamins and minerals from the food that you are taking. Reduce vitamins and minerals in the diet, eat healthy green vegetables and good healthy fruits. Use salt which contains iodine, a salt without iodine can cause a condition called goitre.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

I think we have to look at this the other way around, ie, what does your thyroid require to function, and how are YOU feeling. Desiccated adrenal by Standard Process can really jump start your thyroid, as can many beneficial B's. However, you really need to have a physical evaluation.


Answer by  worker2746 (2434)

The thyroid is a sensitive gland and any vitamins and minerals can have an effect on its work in the body.

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