

Question by  MarcusAntonious (36)

What should I know about dehydrating chicken?


Answer by  Rathi (108)

Do not dehydrate raw chicken.It may contain the bacteria Salmonella. Canned chicken are best for dehydration.Since it is already cooked, you just drain and add some hot water.


Answer by  Olive (1195)

That you don't need a dehydrater. Just bake chicken strips in your over at 180 degrees. Be sure the chicken is well cooked. Also, the chicken should be cut into small pieces. You want to avoid salmonella that can result from chicken that is not cooked enough-an all too unfortunately occurance with chicken!


Answer by  Amom (701)

When you dehydrate any meat, in your case chicken, you are creating a food called Jerky. Keep in mind when making chicken jerky to slice the meat again the grain or it will fall apart after drying and remove excess fat or it will go rancid.


Answer by  Anupam (77)

Keep the chicken inside a big palstic bag with some water before dehydrating the chicken for atleast one and half hours, it will save fuel.

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