what is


Question by  chiezboy (19)

What is the difference between Belgian waffles and regular waffles?

Do you have a recipe?


Answer by  Huntress (1935)

True Belgian waffles are much thicker and a bit crisper than regular ones. You need to purchase a Belgian Waffle maker and can use any waffle recipe to make them.


Answer by  marcia (228)

A Belgian waffle is a larger, higher, more dense waffle with higher waffle patterns that hold more syrup or whipped cream, than a regular waffle.


Answer by  Tracey62 (316)

Belgian waffles are lighter and sweeter than regular waffles. Regular waffles are usually made from pancake batter and needs syrup for sweetness. Belgian waffle batter has a sweetener in it.


Answer by  reddeb96701 (494)

Belgian waffles are almost the same as regular waffles they are just a little sweeter and are made on a different waffle iorn. What you can do is find any regular waffle recipe and you must purchase a belgian waffle maker. Some times the maker will have recipies in the instructions.

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