health conditions


Question by  thirddaynate (36)

What is causing a bump on the bone in my ankle?


Answer by  worker7654 (1033)

A tumor could be causing that bump or some bone spurs that are growing. Bone tumors can happen and an X-ray can be used to diagnose.


Answer by  worker2746 (2434)

The bump on your ankle could well be caused by a bone spur that is in your ankle. If you are experiecing any pain in your ankle upon walking, this is more than likely the cause. Bone spurs often need to be removed via an operation in a hospital, check with your physician.


Answer by  nairjula (559)

I dont think the bump is really on the bone. There could be a bump on the ankle and as long as it doesnt pain, ignore it.


Answer by  mahavin (589)

The major cause for bump on the bone in the ankle is continuous wearing of shoes, the pressure exerted by the shoes on the foot would cause bumps. The other reasons attributed to the same problem would be formation of ganglion cyst in the ankle bone. This would cause the bump structure.


Answer by  fishlover49 (643)

You most likely bumped into something accidentally and not realized it at at the time, and now that you have seen it you constantly notice it.

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