what is


Question by  danceur (210)

What is an electrical formula?


Answer by  bobbycissello (13)

There are many different electrical formulas that are used to determine the different aspects of electricity as it flows through a circuit. The formulas are based off of Ohm's law, which states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the potential difference across the two points, and inversely proportional to the resistance between them.


Answer by  Ragtagduo (14)

There's a few, but the most used one is Ohms law. Ohms law says E=RI where E = Voltage, R = Resistance or Ohms, and I = Current or Amperes. Other common formulas include W=EI, W=RI^2, W=(E^2)/R. W in these examples are power or Watts. There's also I=E/R, I=W/E, I=(W/R)^2 for current formulas, and for resistances, R=E/I, R=(E^2)/W, and R=W/(I^2).

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