what is


Question by  MatthewM (100)

What is a modulus of elasticity?


Answer by  schia (87)

The ratio of stress in relation to the corresponding strain below the proportional limit of a material. This ratio is normally expressed in force per unit area, usually pounds per square inch or kilograms-force per square centimeter.


Answer by  raj87sk (74)

It is the ratio of stress to corresponding strain below the proportional limit of a material. It is expressed in unit per area,usually pounds per square inch or kilograms-force per square centimeter.A strain may be a change in length.Young's modulus; a twist or shear, modulus of rigidity or modulus of torsion; or a change in volume, bulk modulus.


Answer by  sherryk (621)

My physics teacher called it "Coefficient of Elasticity." Basically, it's the point at which something is streched to it's limit and never can go back to the way it originally was. Think of a Slinky that's been overstretched. Before it went back and forth like new, after overstretching it won't.

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