pet health


Question by  pinklo (31)

What does it mean when a guinea pig is squeaking?

Is that normal, or is he trying to tell me something?


Answer by  cmaopep (239)

It can mean various things, they will often grunt or squeak softly if they are happy and content. A higher pitched squeal can be construed as a warning sound if they are distressed. If the guinea pig is very distressed or afraid of something they can make a shrieking sound.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Chatting is normal, as is wheeking for food. Squeaking while peeing/pooping is a medical issue. Do an internet search for audio files of guinea pig sounds if you are unsure.


Answer by  MsLizziebug (833)

Yes, it's normal. Your guina pig is trying to tell you he's thirsty, hungry, or he wants a snack. They have a tendency to squeak when they hear familiar 'food sounds' i. e. ,the rustle of plastic bags or the sound of their food container opening.


Answer by  Mumma (483)

Some squeaking is normal - do an internet search for audio of normal guinea pig sounds. Squeaking in pain, or while pooping/peeing means take the pig to a vet ASAP.

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