

Question by  Greg2382 (4)

What are the theories of motivation?


Answer by  ayannasr (71)

There are five major theories of motivation in psychology, however there are several more minor ones proposed as well. The five major theories of motivation are Arousal, Drive reduction, Humanistic, Instinct, and Psychoanalytic.


Answer by  KAS (393)

There are 26 theories of motivation. Some of them are: reacquired needs, activation, affect perseverance, attitude behavior consistency,attribution theory, cognitive dissonance, cognitive evaluation theory, consistency theory, control theory,and drive theory.


Answer by  Rita17 (119)

These theories have to do with revealing what gets us going to do something and what is reasoning behind why we think, feel and act in the ways we do.


Answer by  Chiyamaka (846)

The theory of motivation is the want of someone. Motivation comes along when someone longs for something so dearly, they suddenly have the desire to fulfill that dream. Motivation is also triggered by seeing something inspiring that makes a person want to get up and do something very similar to what they saw.

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