

Question by  matt11 (23)

What are some quick laundry tips for college students?


Answer by  timerunning (805)

Make sure that you do not put anything red in with your white clothes. And do not ever use bleach on anything other than just white loads.


Answer by  TwoToneDodge (2204)

Make sure to set a day out of every week so you don't forget and get completely backed up with dirty cloths.


Answer by  TheTide (72)

Do not wear anything of red color. By eliminating this color from your wardrobe, you can pretty much wash all your laundry, regardless of color without sorting colors.


Answer by  tanaloo (16)

Make sure you separate different colors of clothing. No matter what the label says, everything can be washed in cold water. Do not overfill the washer.

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