


Question by  BillS (50)

What are some examples of fish that prefer brackish water?


Answer by  katie15 (62)

Some examples of fish that can live in brackish water are Scats, Monos, Anableps, Achirus species, Pipefish, Sailfin mollies, Mosquito fish, Pike livebearer, Malayan halfbeaks, Indian glassfish, and Asian and Australian archers.


Answer by  Mable (3008)

Young green puffer fish are popular right now -- they have cute faces -- they begin life as brackish water fishes. Note that as they get older they need more salt and may ultimately convert to salt water. Monitors are brackish, and mollies need a salt content that leans toward brackish water.


Answer by  Kris (797)

The puffer fish types: fahaka, mbu, red eye, figure eight, and freshwater dwarf. Needlenose gars and orange chromide chichlids also prefer brackish water. Silver and green scats, fan dancer goby fish, and white tip shark catfish are some more examples of fishes at home in this kind of environment.

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