


Question by  NextSummer (23)

Should I eat cereal that is a year old?


Answer by  runnerbeans (374)

Cereal in general has a long shelf-life. Typically you will find an expiration on the box. Most cereals do not contain any ingredients that may become rancid or dangerous. However, you should carefully inspect for insects, "off" smells, and you may be dissatisfied with the level of staleness. If you have doubts, throw it out.


Answer by  sherryk (621)

My advice would be to taste a very teeny tiny bit. If it tastes stale, dump it. If not, go ahead and eat it, but first check for bugs! Some cereals have preservatives that are longer lasting. Let your taste buds be your guide.


Answer by  diane23 (1167)

If it has not been opened, it is probably fine. Check the date on the package. Dry cereals are usually edible for a very long time, especially if they have not been opened and were stored in a cool dry place. If the package is opened, it's probably stale.


Answer by  Vllad45 (1886)

You should probably not eat this, but if you're going to, make sure it does not have any bugs in it.


Answer by  cwarren (21)

Absolutely not. Even if the cereal was flash frozen by amazing scientists I would never put such a thing in my mouth.


Answer by  Darkephoenix (1789)

That depends. Has it been sealed in the original plastic bag for that period of time or was it opened? If it's been opened then no. If it hasn't been, I don't think it would be a problem. Might be a bit stale though.

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