

Question by  Pricilla (35)

Should I be concerned about blood streaks in my infant's stool?


Answer by  maggiec1179aolcom (754)

I would be. I would imagine that this would be a sign of a bigger problem. If you baby is older and on solid food it could be caused by constipation, but I wouldn't risk it. I would call the doctor as soon as possible and get you little one checked out. Be prepared they will probably want a sample


Answer by  kirstym8428 (23)

If the blood streaks are quite frequent or there is a large volume of blood then yes you should contact your local GP asap. However if it has just been once and not a regular occourance then no. The child may have just be constipated and burst a blood vessel whilst passing the stool.


Answer by  step (309)

I cannot beleive that you are even taking the time to get on the internet to ask this question. Here are three things that that should send you to the doctor immediately. If you can't breathe or if you see your blood or bones an the outside of your body. I call this the 3 Bs.


Answer by  John (9008)

Blood in an infant's stools might or might not be significant, but only a doctor can tell. You should have your child seen by a doctor as soon as possible although, if everything else is ok, there is no need to go to the emergency room. The cause could be just hemorrhoids or as severe as internal bleeding.

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