

Question by  thumbstick (34)

My dog ate grapes and he has bumps on his back, what does this mean?

Will he be okay?


Answer by  DebbieP (102)

Most people know dogs are allergic to chocolate, but don't know they are also allergic to grapes and avocado. Since your dog reacted, take him to a vet!


Answer by  boxers3 (550)

Your dog could be having an allergic reaction. Grapes and raisins are toxic to dogs and can cause kidney failure. He should be seen by a vet.


Answer by  DebbieP (102)

Dogs are allergic to chocolate, avocado, and grape! You should probably take him to the vet but he should be okay if the rash is his only symptom.


Answer by  Crystal51 (118)

Your dog eating grapes probably is not related to the bumps on his back, but it could be an allergic reaction or hives. Dogs can have a small amount of Benedryl, usually one pill will do the trick. If that is not helping, your dog should see a vet for further testing.


Answer by  hulmer (1067)

Grapes are highly toxic to dogs! It could be unrelated, but the bumps on his back could also be a reaction to the toxicity of the grapes. Please call your vet immediately and do not allow your dog to ingest any more!!!!


Answer by  snappies (579)

Take your dog to the vet. Grapes are poisonous to dogs. Things that are poisonous can effect internal organs. Raisins are bad for your dog too. You'll have to respond quickly if he ate a lot of them.

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