birth control


Question by  a98 (19)

Is vitamin C an effective birth control?


Answer by  sususu (866)

Vitamin C alone is not an effective method of birth control, as it doesn't prevent ovulation or fertilization in any way. Choose an alternate method of birth control, and don't forget to choose a second method to stay safer.


Answer by  luyuma (253)

Birth control is by either taking birth control pills, using protection like condoms, or having surgery. Vitamin C will not prevent you from having a baby.


Answer by  CatherineKlay (440)

Ai yi yi, no! I'm not sure where you are getting your information, but you need to talk with someone qualified like a sex education teacher or a doctor.


Answer by  jules (61)

Vitamin c is not an effective birth control method. That is silly - you find vitamin c in orange juice. It is not a spermicide at all. This is ridiculous.

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