birth control


Question by  lukman (20)

Is the Today Sponge approved by the FDA?

Has it been recalled?


Answer by  JennW (342)

The new version of the sponge was approved by the FDA in 2005. The old one was taken voluntarily off the market because the manufacturer didn't want to upgrade their manufacturing facilities.


Answer by  westphall (79)

Many people are still wondering if the Today Sponge was approved by the FDA, and as a matter of fact it was. In 1995 there was recall in the United States for the Today Sponge that lasted about a decade. The recall was due to manufacturing issues, not saftey issues.


Answer by  ijlalnoor (2656)

It was approved in 1995 but then it was called back because of some manufacturing issues but since 2005 its still back on and working again. Don't worry it was not closed due to any safety issues.

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