health conditions


Question by  chaz (18)

Is clotting during menstruation normal?


Answer by  AHPapp (39)

Clotting is normal during a menstrual period. It's important to keep an eye on the size of the clots. If they get to be larger than a quarter then you might want to contact your doctor.


Answer by  Shelley70 (285)

Some clotting is normal during mensturation is normal. However, if the clots are larger than a 50 cent peice, or you are filling more than 2 pads in one hour, call your doctor, as you could be loosing to much blood and become anemic. Some physicians reccomend taking 800 milligrams of ibupropen to slow down heavy flowing.


Answer by  jheremans (1446)

Yes clotting during menstruation is normal especially on the first to third day, this is caused by shedding of the layer of your endometrium where in clots are formed.


Answer by  cindy (1484)

Most women will pass a few clots during a normal menstrual cycle. However, heavy flow, long lasting periods, or irregular cycles can be a sign of a medical problem.


Answer by  dryuha (735)

It is normal during menstruation and it will means your coagulation cascade in your body is working normally and prevent excessive blood loss.

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