


Question by  If (39)

How do I keep the dog off the couch?

He gets hair all over it.


Answer by  lisasimpson (148)

I found that when I leave the house, if I put the coffee table on the couch he can't get up on it. A bar stool works great too. Be consistent, too! (Sometimes you just have to give in and get a cover for the couch, though.)


Answer by  hellennoir (68)

A firm "No" and a snap of your fingers every time he tries to get on your couch should deter him after a while. Be consistent and patient.


Answer by  Lorbeer (304)

Hello, when it is a small dog - buy a chair cover or a blanket. Brush the dog and change the blanket every week. When you have a big dog it's ok when he/she should stay on the floor - but a dog needs closeness and company - it's not a cat.


Answer by  Trueakitalover (1728)

Each time the dog get's on the couch put him on the floor and say no. Persistence is what needs to happens. He will eventually learn this. When you see him on the couch ignore the bad behavior and praise highly when he is on the ground. He will learn eventually what is pleasing to his owner.


Answer by  mrsshelast (899)

This can be a hard task. Petsmart has mats with small plasic spikes that are used for this very purpose. They run about $8.00 a mat. When your dog tries to jump onto the couch it will become startled of the small spikes (they won't hurt him), and will refrain from jumping up in the future.

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