pet health


Question by  Redmonkey17 (50)

How do I go about bathing pet rats?


Answer by  ladybud (1069)

Use a small bowl or a plastic container so water is right under his belly,use a small cup to pour over the rat Scrub and rinse,Thou some might not like water Other's love it.


Answer by  SLPardy (20)

It's easiest if you bathe it in a sink rather than a tub, and holding it carefully in your hand, pour lukewarm - not hot - water over it's back, making sure not to pour water over it's head. Soap is unnecessary. Gently pat dry.


Answer by  diva25 (4016)

Make sure your rat is comfortable in the water. If he is fill the sink about halfway with warm water. Put a towel next to the sink, and shampoo him.

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