


Question by  ibrahim (9)

How can you tell if a beagle is pregnant?


Answer by  tessamalk (466)

The only way to know for sure is for the vet to perform an ultrasound. Some symptoms of pregnancy are enlarged nipples, an change in her appetite, and fatigue. She might also seem less social and more prone to spending time by herself. If she is pregnant, she'll get big fast!


Answer by  worker2746 (2434)

They will not bleed or go into heat on a regular basis and their mammory glands will begin to swell. They may become more aggressive with young children or other dogs as well. Their abdomen will begin to get larger and they will become more lethargic during the day and night.


Answer by  keiki (1376)

The earliest sign of pregnancy is change in behavior. When dogs are approximately 5 weeks along they begin to gain weight and their nipples get bigger. Dogs are pregnant for 9 weeks, so if it has been longer than 9 weeks since your beagle's last heat cycle then she isn't pregnant.


Answer by  Isidro (624)

The best way to tell is if there is a difference in size or if they are hungry most of the time. Another way is to look at there chest and check if there nipples are bigger than normal that is a great indication that they are more than likely pregnant.

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