


Question by  vironian1938 (18)

How can I stop my beagle from chewing everything?


Answer by  Suggestion (335)

You can stop your beagle from chewing everything but trying to figure out why he does it. Your beagle probably wants to hold something in this mouth. Give him special chew toys that he can carry around. Also the more attention you give your beagle, the less mischief he will get into.


Answer by  bill14 (308)

The best way to start changing this behavior is to provide a wide variety of appropriate chew toys that are safe for him to chew even without supervision. Hopefully, he will begin to choose these instead of your couch. If this still doesn't work, many companies make no chew spray (it's usually bitter apple flavored).


Answer by  MsLizziebug (833)

When you see your dog chewing on something he isn't suppose to have take it away from him, give him a stern 'no' and replace it with something he is allowed to have. Add vitamins to your dog's food, sometimes they chew to get vitamins that they are lacking in their diet.


Answer by  BobbyBillBob (-2)

Then after you beat it, you eat it! Then it Beagle Wild Wings!


Answer by  BobbyBillBob (-2)

You put a muzzle on it and beat it! Ha ha!

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