

Question by  pertone (17)

Can my dog have a heart murmur?


Answer by  justaskforbrandy (553)

It's very possible that your dog could have a heart murmur, especially if he/she is a purebred. Many purebreds were created in puppy mills and do not have the best health. My friend purchased a Boxer from a local pet store and he had a heart murmur. I would take your dog to the vet if you have any concerns.


Answer by  Sagebrush (170)

Dogs are as subject to heart disease and defects as any other animal. Listening with a stethoscope will let you hear the beats and any associated abnormalities.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Yes, in fact it's quite possible. Heart Murmurs are something that you need to watch out for when your dog gets surgery or needs anesthesia for any reason. If you think your dog has one tell your Vet.


Answer by  carolinak1979 (42)

I believe it is indeed possible for your dog to have a heart murmur- as a dog's heart is in many ways quite similar to a human's heart and dogs do indeed suffer from some of the very same heart ailments that a human does- the heart murmur being just one.


Answer by  rogera (788)

Dogs can have heart murmurs,this is the resullts of abnormal blood flow inside the heart. Many dogs can live a relatively good life.Murmurs in young dogs are congenital,in older dogs it is likely the result of heart valve disease. Have the dog checked by vet to assess problems and care.


Answer by  dumy (1)

Cardiomyopathy, abnormal thickening or thinning of the muscular walls of the heart, can cause a murmur, though its causes are not yet well understood. Heartworm disease can also cause a heart murmur, not only because the worms obstruct the flow of blood but also because the heart becomes enlarged as it tries to continue pumping blood around them.

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