


Question by  rachelj2600 (7)

Can jelly be made without the pectin?


Answer by  malpoa (363)

Yes jelly can be made without pectin. Fresh fruits contain more pectin. Do not use canned fruits or juices as they contain low pectin. Also use fruits with natual pectin like crabapples, berries and quince with low pectin fruits to jell. Do not discard peels and cores as they add pectin.


Answer by  Jenna (587)

Yes this can be done carefully. If you make sure to have firm, ripe fruit in your jelly concoction the natural pectin found in the fruit will suffice without adding extra. You cannot use canned or frozen fruits because they will not have the pectin that is needed for this to work.


Answer by  Darkephoenix (1789)

No not really. The pectin in fruit is what causes it to congeal when it's boiled down. The more pectin in the fruit the more solid the jelly.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

No, then it would be jam. Pectin holds the jelly jellied. If you don't like pectin then make curd. This is a product that is sold by Smuckers or Dickinsons.

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