

Question by  headbanger783 (30)

Can I get into the Navy with 3 DUIs?


Answer by  patti (29325)

The US Navy states in the enlistment information that a waiver is required for an individual who "has received 1 conviction or adverse disposition for a DUI/DWI" as a misdemeanor. Another section requires the same for up to two felony convictions for DUI.


Answer by  Drew46 (19)

A person can enlist in the Navy if any and all offenses were committed while that person was a minor as defined by that jurisdiction; records sealed. Waivers can be granted.In a time of war enlistment is down and thus recruiting quotas need to be met.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

No. The branches of the Military like people with clean records. DUI's show that you're not resoponsable and they want the most responsible people they can find. A repeat DUI shows that you may do it again.


Answer by  sarah39 (91)

yes you can with perhaps some difficulty. You will have to get a waiver but be prepared for it to be denied. It depends on how desperate they are for people.

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