
 plants  why


Question by  JB (16)

Why is my St. Augustine dying?


Answer by  worker8739 (555)

Overwatering and excessive fertilizing may be part of a problem. Check under the turf to see if cinch bugs are present.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

You may find that you think you are watering sufficiently, you may be watering broadly, but not deeply, the St Aug roots require deep watering. Beyond that, I would need to know the symptoms you are seeing, and recommend that you consult your local garden center.


Answer by  GKRISHNAVENI (126)

It may be the watering program will be culprit. This will grow how deep you water often. water to a depth of at least 6 inches,so it will go deep to roots. If you try to water early in the morning means it soaks deeper.

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