pet health


Question by  nleitere (21)

Why is my cat losing his hair?


Answer by  gardengirl (67)

Hair loss is commonly caused from an allergic reaction. Allergy to topical flea treatment, can make them lethargic and causing coat thinning. Ironically, they can also be allergic to flea bites. Excessive scratching and chewing of the bites can cause patches of hair loss. See your vet if changing flea medicine or treating fleas does not improve the condition.


Answer by  lorettamarie (83)

Your cat is either very sick, or it is shedding because the weather is changing. Losing hair could be feline leukemia, or some other cancer. Or you cat is getting in fights with an animal.


Answer by  Mike11 (59)

Your cat is losing his hair because he is shedding. All cats shed. Dogs do too. Cats normally shed in the spring. Beware that you do not wear black if your cat is a light color. Your clothes may become furry-ish when your cat is shedding. My cats always shed so this is normal.

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