

Question by  ZIelyn (33)

Why does a young child want to play in their feces?


Answer by  Mercuryman3a (113)

A young child does not know what it is. He just sees it as some thing colorful and enjoys seeing it splash around. For all the child cares, it could be anything.


Answer by  drJ (841)

Children are often curious by the contents of their diaper or potty because they have made it. Others find it comforting because it is warm and has a familiar smell to them.


Answer by  Karen54 (971)

It's not that they want to play so much as they don't have a point of reference to know that it is not the right thing to do.


Answer by  maber (1427)

This is very normal for a child to do. IT is a sign that they are ready to be potty trained. They are curious about their bowel movements. Just explain calmly that it is wrong and that poop goes in the diaper or in the potty not in our hands.

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