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Question by  TheRabbit (27)

Why do people like painted porches?

Doesn't natural wood look better?


Answer by  brandi10 (816)

Some people actually prefer the look of painted porches. There are companys who make paint specifically designed for porches that will add protection to the surface. These kinds of paint are also available in a texture that help prevent people from slipping when the surface becomes wet. It is also easier to maintain.


Answer by  carol (1241)

It is a matter of taste. Natural wood porches look good on rustic homes, while painted porches go well with colonial style homes. Also paint gives the wood some protection against the forces of nature. Even natural wood porches could benefit from a coating of a wood preservative to keep them from drying out.


Answer by  Trueakitalover (1728)

Usually if it is painted it will help give curb appeal and it increases the value of the house when one is ready to put the house on the market to sell the home.


Answer by  edward92 (51)

It's all down to personal taste. Some people think natural wood looks better and some people think paint looks better. Whatever matches the house noramally.

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