

Question by  David31 (39)

Why do dogs shiver?

Should I be concerned that my dog shivers?


Answer by  reba95912 (96)

Dogs can shiver due to being nervous or afraid, such as a Chihuahua. They also could be cold. A good solution would be to keep your dog in warm conditions or purchase a dog sweater.


Answer by  Kamalani (128)

There cold be many reasons; cold, nervous energy, anticipation of a favorite activity. It seems to occur often in smaller dogs. If concerned, the dog should go to the vet. But if the dog is eating and seems to have the same amount of energy, there should be no concern.


Answer by  tinah06 (22)

There are many different reasons a dog could shiver, and many smaller breed dogs are prone to shivering. Reasons for shivering could include: cold weather, fear, nervousness, anxiety, or pain. If you suspect your dog is in pain, or your dog is displaying other serious symptoms as well, you should contact your vet immediately.


Answer by  Nancy (578)

The answer strictly depends on if your pet is cold. Dogs and people shiver because it's nature's way of warming up. If not cold, it could be nervous.

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