who is

 who is


Question by  beardednail (81)

Who is Sam Raimi?

Why is he famous?


Answer by  technogeek (6640)

Sam Raimi is a motion picture director. Among the films that he has directed were Spider Man 2 and Spider Man 3 along with Darkman and many others. He has also worked as a movie producer, a screenwriter and an actor during his career in Hollywood. That is why he is famous.


Answer by  florakapuryahoocom (21)

Samuel Marshall Raimi is an Actor, director, producer, screenwriter.He is famous for directing blockbuster Spider-Man film.He also produced the Evil Dead,spartacus:blood and sand.He is the producer of the successful TV series Hercules:The Legendary Journeys and Xena: Warrior Princess.

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