

Question by  Anonymous

Where can I find freelance editing jobs?


Answer by  mem4dr (1378)

There are many online job sites exclusively devoted to freelance work. Be advised, however, that if you want to do editing, you will most likely either need professional experience in the editing field or, at the very least, an excellent writing portfolio to show to prospective employers. Your writing portfolio should have samples that are grammatically perfect.


Answer by  Peg (459)

Contact publishers and companies who use freelance editors. Publishers sell books so if textbook editing sounds interesting, this may be a good route. Companies use technical editors. Newspapers also use freelance editors on occasion. Sign up with temporary agencies who place freelance editors.


Answer by  42 (12)

Many freelance jobs, including freelance editing jobs, can be found at the website Elance. This site allows you to list a price that you want to get for doing the editing. This is called a bid. The job owner chooses the editor based on all the bids submitted.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Many job hunting websites list these assignments if you search for contact work or temporary jobs. Contact local publishers for your availability for editing assignments. You can also find those who are looking for ghost writers for your availability to edit their work.


Answer by  Olive (1195)

Amazon mechanical turk often has editing jobs. These don't pay well but give you a chance to hone your skills. Also try craigslist. Post signs at local universities, too. Check out university staff directories and email support staff --a professor may be looking for someone to edit their book!


Answer by  Beefcake (23)

Now a days, technology has led us to do a lot more on computers or at home. This includes finding work. Many freelance editing jobs are available and posted online and on networks like craigslist.


Answer by  Jessie124 (1885)

Craigslist might be a good place to look. Also, check out . If your local paper has a web presence, look over their site, too. Check out writing sites, too; they often have a list of jobs available.


Answer by  spoiledtraveler1 (106)

Freelance editing jobs are the types that you can do from home if you want. They can be found through major online news sources.


Answer by  Jessie124 (1885)

Look on Craigslist, there is a place where editing jobs are listed. Also check out the free papers that many communities have. Try to network with people in publishing.


Answer by  dryuha (735)

There are many freelance editing jobs available online. You can always search them on google or yahoo. You can also try looking at the newspaper.

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