

Question by  onecrore (196)

What's in Apples?

I have always heard that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away", but what is it about apples that makes them so healthy?


Answer by  Wayne100 (42)

No sodium and cholesterol. Apple is an important source of potassium and boron. Potassium can balance the pH value; while boron is to help calcium absorption.


Answer by  Philedupwithknowlege (384)

A one serving size portion of apple contains 10 per cent vitamin C and 3 grams of dietary fiber. Apples also contain a unique slow burning carbohydrate that helps maintain energy levels. Phloridzin is a flavinoid found in apples that is linked to bone protection. Apples may help against alzheimers.


Answer by  somerset (801)

Some of the things in apples are vitamins, most notably vitamin C, some minerals, folate, fructose or fruit sugar for energy and also fiber. A lot of good stuff in a small package.

Reply by catman529 (809):
Don\'t forget the hydrogen cyanide in the seeds!  add a comment

Answer by  TwoToneDodge (2204)

Though apples have low amounts of them they do contain Vitamin C, Fiber, antioxidants and other nutrients that are thought to help combat colon cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer.


Answer by  pooppoop (9)

thats like asking "whats in water"


Answer by  Anonymous

Duh it's a fruit

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