

Question by  jdevlin (74)

What should I know about Freud and Nazi Germany?


Answer by  nuttree (1596)

Freud grew up in Austria in a Jewish family and considered himself an assimilated German until the Nazis came to power. Because he was Jewish, the Nazis rejected Freud and burned his books. After Austria was annexed to Germany, he left Austria. His sisters, who stayed, died in concentration camps.


Answer by  Ginny (2251)

He was born Jewish in Austria. In 1933, even after winning the Goethe Prize, a prestigious German literary award, the Nazis burned his books. When the Nazis entered Austria, the Gestapo harassed him and his family. He decided to leave Austria and the anti-semitism of the Nazi occupiers by moving to London in 1938, where he died in 1939.


Answer by  Ginny (2251)

The Nazis burned his books, after giving him the Goethe Prize just one year earlier. His sisters all were killed in the Holocaust. The Gestapo hounded him until he fled to exile in London in 1938. One Nazi official did secretly help him and saved some of his books.


Answer by  don5601 (70)

Nazi is bad i really dont know to much but i really think it was a bad time for alote of people in the world to suffer his ways so sad.

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