pet health


Question by  Abigail (35)

What should I do for my hamster with a toe infection?


Answer by  lyle (106)

you should first identify where on the toe it is and relate it to the age of the hamster, many small hamsters dont live more then 2 years


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

The best thing you can do is to take your hamster to a qualified exotics vet as soon as possible. Little critters can go downhill extremely fast, and home remedies are not safe or effective.


Answer by  debmalewski (1085)

Any animal, large or small, with an injury can be taken to your local veterinarian for treatment. If you cannot afford this, you can try gently cleaning the toe regularly.


Answer by  scarywoodwitch (158)

I would try washing his or her foot off with diluted hydrogen peroxide. If it doesn't get better, antibiotics at the vet!

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