

Question by  yellowbee601 (23)

What is the treatment for a dog vomiting?


Answer by  33toner (73)

Try mixing in with their food plain white rice, and let them relax, do not do any activity with them. If that doesn't cure it you should contact your vet.


Answer by  Puddle (25)

The dog should not eat or drink until the vomiting has subsided for at least six hours. After six hours allow the dog to drink every fifteen minutes. You can then start bland food such as rice and if the dog begins to vomit, you must stop any food or water again for at least six hours.


Answer by  Bobinski (1652)

Don't feed dog food or water until dog has gone 6 hours without vomiting. Start feeding with bland diet. It is best to have a vet do a physical.


Answer by  JohnCroker (68)

Depends. If the dog is sick, should take him to a pet center. If is not sick, just let him vomiting until he is fine.


Answer by  Sharrr (122)

Seek veterinary advice first before treating a vomiting dog yourself. Stop feeding, and keep dog hydrated are the two top ideas.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

If the dog wants to let it go outside and eat grass there is something in the grass that helps to soothe their stomachs when they are upset. If the vomitting continues see the vet.

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