what is


Question by  worker5116 (16)

What is the blood hand shake?

How can I learn it?


Answer by  elb (1105)

The hand-shake for the gang The Bloods begins with a series of five hand-slaps, goes into a shake. slides into a grasp which is raised up and changed to fingers interlocking, with a thumb and finger pointing down, and then broken. You can start to learn from online videos.

posted by Anonymous
This is only true of some Blood gang Sets. Not all contain the "broke B," or the 5 slaps. It's all up to the Set itself.  add a comment

Answer by  caporfirio (804)

It is the handshake for the street gang known as the Bloods. Only members are taught how to properly perform this shake.


Answer by  Anonymous

The answer to this question really depends on which Set you mean. Different Sets have different variations of the handshake.

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