

Question by  Darren (23)

What is the average length of a cat tail?


Answer by  Allstar (2071)

Ten to twelve inches. Cats tails aren't all the same number of vertebrae long, so some are just longer than others. Some breeds normally have no tail at all.


Answer by  harycat (84)

After looking through some online resources, it seems that housecat tails average to about 12 inches. But for feral cats, adult female cat tails average a little under 10 inches, and adult male cat tails average about 11 inches.


Answer by  Cathy65 (652)

The average length of a domestic cat's tail is twelve inches or 300mm. The average tail length for a male feral cat is eleven inches. For a female feral cat the average tail length is 9. 9 inches.


Answer by  diannejoh (0)

I have two 7 month old male and female kittens born feral and two adut females domestic. all females have 12 inch tails, but the male has 14 inch tail. can someone explain this

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