

Question by  TarilltheMad (78)

What is some romantic literature?

Is that a time period (like with music)?


Answer by  carolinak1979 (42)

Romantic literature could be considered a time period in history, where many authors began tackling various ideas and thoughts concerning Romanticism; artistic and philosophical ideas that eventually redefined the ways in which people thought of the world around them.


Answer by  mooly398 (140)

The Romantic Period in English literature occurred during the late 18th and early 19th century, and was characterized by what Coleridge called "a search for the sublime". Some famous Romantic writers include: Coleridge, Wordsworth, Byron, Shelley, Keats, and Hazlitt. Many romantic writers were primarily poets, though some non-fiction and long-form prose was also published in this period.

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