


Question by  Xayne (177)

What is some info on the prognosis of neuroendocrine liver cancer in stage 4?


Answer by  Christian9247 (5042)

During stage four cancer of any kind, the cancer has spread to other organs throughout the body. At this point the survival rate becomes less than 2%. The body begins to become over run with cancer cells shutting down various organs. Thus not leaving the patient with much time.


Answer by  lovelife (998)

Stage four neuroendocrine liver cancer generally means that the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. In this stage, it is usually not possible for a liver transplant. Prognosis depends on many factors, including sex, age and general physical well being. It will vary for each individual and is best to discuss with the oncologist.


Answer by  Mary39 (521)

When in stage 4 of neuroendocrine cancer, the cancer has spread into various other organs, not leaving a great deal of time left for the individual.


Answer by  Deepakck (174)

Normally stage 4 cancer prognosis chances are poor but prognosis also depends on other factors like age , sex or on how a person mentally approach treatment


Answer by  mary3334 (85)

When in stage 4 of neuroendocrine cancer, the cancer has spread into various other ncer has spread the survival rate is approximately 2%.


Answer by  Sylvia (759)

Generally "poor". The survival rate runs about 20% at one year with 6% at a 5-year survival rate. If the cancer has spread the survival rate is approximately 2%.


Answer by  Anonymous

I was in remission for 4yrs came back foundtumor the size is6centermeters and now its gone to my stomack and into lympnodes.Does that make my prognisis worse?

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