health conditions


Question by  ask123048 (128)

What is normal treatment for bone spurs on the spine?


Answer by  rnovikoffgmailcom (1722)

Bone spurs on the spine -Medication, such as anti-inflammatory medications and muscle relaxant pain medications, for approximately 4 to 6 weeks. Otherwise if this doesnt work u may need to go into surgery to get the section of the bone shave so it stops causing pain to the patient a.


Answer by  Elle26 (66)

It is always best to consult a doctor when dealing with any medical condition. Celery juice has been known to be one of the few natural treatments for bone spurs. Naturally, you would not be able to treat a severe bone spur with celery, it is more of a preventative measure. Surgery is the most effective option.


Answer by  Chrissi (25)

Treatment begins with medication, such as anti-inflammatory medications and muscle relaxant pain medications. Then physcial therapy follows, as well as exercise and Cortisone treatments in most cases. In other cases, surgery is needed. The most common surgery would be a Laminectomy. Most patients who undergo the surgery have good results.


Answer by  Trueakitalover (1728)

The treatment they usually like to start off with is physical therapy. If this doesn't work then they will do cortisone injections into the spine and it can be helpful at times. If these other option's don't work then they will operate and take the bone spurs out and you usually have relief immediately after surgery.

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