

Question by  sscroft (76)

What is Listbox in VB used for?


Answer by  BigD103 (548)

It is used to create a menu box which contains different items a user can select. Unlike radio buttons, a listbox usally allows the user to select multiple answers (often by holding down the Ctrl key). It is a very useful tool for end user imput into your porgram you're designing.


Answer by  manderso (88)

A drop down box allows a user to select a single choice from a list of data. A listbox allows the user to select one or more (multiple) choices at the same time from a list of data. For example, "Please select All the countries which you have visited in the last 60 days.".


Answer by  Bobby50 (82)

List box is used for supplying the list of options for the user. The list box icon is present in the tool bar option.


Answer by  worker2269 (26)

The listbox is used for presenting lists in an orderly fashion. It also gives the user the ability to select one or more items in such a list. Items can be added to or deleted from a list at runtime. Items can also be re-ordered by the user or code.


Answer by  ousideinsider (32)

List box is used to display information in the form of a list. Suppose a user needs to pick a country among a list of countries,or a fruit among different fruits, a list box is used. I can also contain a drop-down box or a checkbox.


Answer by  KLR (606)

A VB listbox is a graphical user interface control which is used to disply 1 or more values. The user may select 1 or more values from the listbox. A listbox may have a horizontal scroll bar and the values may be sorted.


Answer by  JasonHadley (245)

List boxes are used to supply a fixed number of options for the user to select from. The choice must be made from the list, no other inputs are accepted.


Answer by  LunaticNeko (61)

A listbox contains many entries of items. They're usually used so that users can make a selection off a broad range of choices. It's more dynamic than radio buttons, because you can easily add more choices to listboxes (by code) compared to other methods.


Answer by  Heffer (122)

Listbox control in Visual Basic allows the programmer to customize columns and scroll bars. Users can create single or multiple columns with vertical or horizontal scroll bars. More than one box can also be created and they can scroll together.


Answer by  worker4521 (12)

list box in VB is very beneficial thing. it is very helpful. when you have a lot of options to select from many items then you can use listbox. in list box you can enter multiple items,user will select desired item from this list. it is used when you use select button.

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