

Question by  Duffman40 (15)

What is etiquette for attending a ballet performance?


Answer by  Flutterbye (161)

I think one of the rudest things people do when attending any kind of performance, not just ballet, is they don't turn off their cell phones and answer calls while the dance is going on. It isn't nice for the people sitting around you nor for the performers.

Reply by BigMomma2 (132):
I especially hate when people bring food in and chomp on it in your ear. Yuck!  add a comment

Answer by  BlueCollarBri (118)

Miss Manners once said in an etiquette book that people should sit quietly, watch avidly and applaud vigorously. I think what she said is apt when attending the ballet or any other type of performance. In my mind, except for the applause, this should also apply when attending a movie.


Answer by  MusicalKate (109)

Make sure you go to the bathroom or make any calls before you go in the theatre so you don't have to get up or talk while the ballet is occurring. Just pretend that your sister, brother or child is up there performing their heart out and act accordingly.


Answer by  CarolynOsborne (2804)

Get to your seats at least five minutes before the performance. Dress nicely. Don't talk during the performance. If you are not sure when to clap, wait until the rest of the audience does. It's a good idea to read about the particular ballet you are attending (story line, music, etc.) so you will enjoy the performance.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

When going to a ballet performance you should not get up during the performance, should not talk laugh or answer a cell phone. Etiquette is the same for dance performances as it is for live plays and theater performances.

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