

Question by  joedashow (9)

What is an example of positive motivation?

I don't want to spoil my child with junk food.


Answer by  jamilea (238)

Positive motivation can be done with offering to take your child to their favorite restaurant, play their favorite game with them or give an allowance!


Answer by  Heather187504 (43)

Parents who wish for their children to eat healthy foods should provide motivation through modeling good eating habits themselves. They may also wish to reward their child for healthy eating through verbal praise. Keeping healthy food in the house will reduce the chances that the child will seek unhealthy food choices.


Answer by  Cecilia (2828)

Most children want attemtion. Positive motivation is giving them praise when they are doing something you find desirable as opposed to only paying attention to them when they misbehave. The praise can be kind words and hugs, compliments or special priveleges. You're right not to connect food to a reward.

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