


Question by  Gus2 (12)

What is an ABS actuator?

What are the different types?


Answer by  Samhane (703)

An ABS actuator applies more pressure to the brakes when needed during braking situations. some other actuators are a three position seloonid, a single two positin solenoid is another type, and mechnical valve. The best bet is to search the Internet for the differnet types and they will be able to explain each type and use.


Answer by  jsflw2010 (459)

The ABS actuator is the primary component of the ABS system, it is the part that controls pressure release in the ABS channel which modulates the brakes. The different types are 1 or 2 channel(rear), 2 Channel 4-wheel Criss-cross, 3 Channel 4-wheel, and 4 Channel 4-wheel.

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