what is


Question by  Dejavu (16)

What is a Wet Cell Battery?

When are they used?


Answer by  Imelda (116)

A wet cell battery is a device that creates electrical energy by means of chemical reactions. Example of this is a car battery. Two types are primary (rechargeable) and secondary (non rechargeable).


Answer by  geogre (90)

Usually they're used in cars or any kind of motor vehicle that needs a spark to be ignited to make it start up.


Answer by  sadasada (146)

A wet cell battery is a battery that relies on a liquid electrolyte to conduct charge, such as sulphuric acid. An example is a car battery.


Answer by  Izhy (45)

A Wet Cell Battery is an liquid electrolyte-type of battery, the first version of dry cell.Archaeological evidence shows that people used this kind of battery since 2000 years a go.

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