

Question by  ShawnL19 (310)

What is a home remedy for canine onion poisoning?


Answer by  mischabear (69)

Onion poisoning is a serious problem. When a dog ingests onion, a certain compound in the onion destroys the dog's red blood cells, which could lead to heart failure. Onion poisoning is serious, and there isn't really anything you can do besides see a vet.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

If your dog just consumed the onions you can try to force him to vomit. If he has already absorbed the onions you need to take her to a vet immediately.


Answer by  Sylvia (759)

None I can locate. Onion poisoning can be deadly for dogs and needs a vets immediate attention. May need decontamination, possible IV fluids and/or blood transfusion.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Poisoning isn't something that should be left to the dog owner. You really need to get this dog down to a Vet or an Emergency Dog Clinic as soon as you can. Onions can actually kill your dog. In the future I suggest you read up on things that Dog's cannot have and keep them away from your dog.

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